I was dispatched last month to Sudan with our engineer for an after sales mission and following the first operation of 2 x 10 lines TIANDI TJV1-k type hydraulic modular trailer.
Following is my report in FLJ's offical website. More details will be posted in my blog later.
August, 2009 Sudan
Machine: 2x10lines TIANDI TJV1-k type Hydraulic modular trailer
Mission: 5 units of 150t MAN Diesel Engines from Port Sudan to Atbara!
Distance: 500km
Condiction: Wide temperature range(23-50C), Wide humidity range(15%-85%), Sea port, winding & high gradient of Hill area, Desert, Sand Storm, Rain Storm, Offroad, Soft clay base, etc.
THI-FLJs after sales team arrived Sudan at August, 2009 for two new 10 lines TIANDI TJV1-k (3400mm wide) type Hydraulic Modular Trailers reassembling, commissioning, and first operation.
After a one week reassembling, commissioning and training under the temperature of 45-50C in Port Sudan, the whole transport team with THI-FLJ After sales team are all ready. Two TIANDI modular trailers are ready for their first heavy transport mission in Sudan.
Today FLJ will present you a full follow-up report for the two 10 axle lines TJV1-k type HMT on the tough journey!
10% Gradient of up and down in the Agaba Hill of Red sea hills.
The next day morning after a terrible sand storm and rain storm for a whole night in the desert.
30km Off-road and soft clay base
Arrive to the new 2 billion USD Cement factory project.
These two 10lines TIANDI hydraulic modular trailer have successfully finished their first mission in Sudan with perfect performance, which makes THI proceed with more confidence on providing more reliable heavy transport vehicles to all our clients around the world.

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